Ask Andy
 - Episode

People Don’t Forget Bad Business Practices

Charles Dickens’ refrain has been somewhat of the mantra in the trucking industry over the past few years. Indeed it has been the best of times and worst of times all in one. The best of times in terms of revenue and sales, but the worst of times in some unsavory business practices by certain carriers who exploited others in search of another dime.

During the shipping boom due to the spike in consumer demand, times were good. Many carriers had record-setting years for revenue while smaller carriers tried to keep up with demand by spending whatever necessary to keep their businesses running.Some businesses took advantage of this by charging more for leasing trucks and other necessities simply because of the surge in demand.Now that things have leveled out (and in some ways swung the other way), people still remember those who weren’t honest when times were good.That’s why at Gulf Relay, we work hard to maintain the great partnerships we have with our customers. We know that when times are good, we will have their business and help meet their needs. When the industry struggles, we still will provide the top-quality service because it is who we are as an organization.We’re here to do our job efficiently and effectively while taking care of our people and our customers. It’s what has made Gulf Relay a leader in the industry for decades.